"Dialogues" is the name of a half-hour television program produced by Mark Kiyak from SUNY Fredonia. The next program will feature guest Steve and Julie Rockcastle. Rockcastles are the organizers of the Great Blue Heron Music Festival. This is the 23rd year of the festival held in Sherman and some of the topics covered include the history of the fest, what activities there are for adults as well as children, who's performing this year, and how to help through volunteering.
The program will air on Access Channel 5 at 1:25 and 7:25 PM each day beginning on June 14 with the last airing on June 20.
Access Channel 5 is available to cable viewers in the Chautauqua, Mayville, North Harmony, Portland, Sherman, and Westfield areas.
Viewers should note that all area public access channels have been dropped from Time Warner's analog service, but can be received on digital service with a converter at their legacy channel assignment, or on a QAM digital television (channel varies by system) that has been recently autoscanned. Programming from Access Channel 5 (channel 21.4 on a QAM digital TV) is also aired each evening in the Town of Hanover on cable channel 12 (channel 98.3 on a QAM digital TV).
Access Channel 5 is available to cable viewers in the Chautauqua, Mayville, North Harmony, Portland, Sherman, and Westfield areas.
Viewers should note that all area public access channels have been dropped from Time Warner's analog service, but can be received on digital service with a converter at their legacy channel assignment, or on a QAM digital television (channel varies by system) that has been recently autoscanned. Programming from Access Channel 5 (channel 21.4 on a QAM digital TV) is also aired each evening in the Town of Hanover on cable channel 12 (channel 98.3 on a QAM digital TV).
I Have A … : | How You Can Get Local PEG: |
Analog (plugged directly into older TV) | No Longer Available, See Other Option(s) |
Digital Tier (with converter box) | Still on Channel 5 |
Analog Tier, with digital converter box | Still on Channel 5 |
Recently scanned “flat-screen” TV | 21.4 or 21-4 |
I am still having a problem … | Ask Time Warner Cable |