"Dialogues" is the name of a half-hour television program produced by Mark Kiyak from SUNY Fredonia. Hosted by Eileen Mowrey, the program will feature guest Andrew Dickson. Dickson is a consultant with Chautauqua County Health Network and Creating Health Places who does walkability studies in local municipalities.
The program will air on Access Channel 5 at 1:30 and 7:30 PM each day beginning on November 16 with the last airing on November 22.
Access Channel 5 is available to cable viewers in the Mayville, Chautauqua, North Harmony, Sherman, Westfield and Portland areas.
Access Channel 5 is available to cable viewers in the Mayville, Chautauqua, North Harmony, Sherman, Westfield and Portland areas.
I Have A … : | How You Can Get Local PEG: |
Analog (plugged directly into older TV) | No Longer Available, See Other Option(s) |
Digital Tier (with converter box) | Still on Channel 5 |
Analog Tier, with digital converter box | Still on Channel 5 |
Recently scanned “flat-screen” TV | 21.4 or 21-4 |
I am still having a problem … | Ask Time Warner Cable |